New Normal Vision 2020 for the Restoration of Africa and Israel


Africa 2020 Vision: at Vision for Africa.

In Genesis 15 God told Abraham that his descendants would be slaves in a strange land for 400 years before they would come back to take possession of the land of Canaan. Abraham’s grandson, Jacob and his family fled to Egypt because of extreme famine in the land and thereafter were enslaved for 400 years when God sent Moses to deliver them.

August 20th 2019 marked 400 years since the first documented slave ship, carrying 20 slaves landed in the shores of America, at port Virginia. Thereafter, millions of Africans were shipped to America, Asia and Europe as slaves and many more lost their lives as a result of the horrendous acts of slave trade. The enslavement of Africa was prophesied In Isaiah 20 and Ezekiel 30. Isaiah 20:4 paints a vivid picture of the African slavery, “So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Egyptians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt”.

Africa was Israel’s first slave master and the consequences of enslaving Israel are still clearly felt on the Continent. Africa has never been able to fully recover from the horrendous effects of the slave trade. Africa was deprived of her human resource in their prime of life and their mineral resources looted. Eventually Africa would fall into the hands of the slave masters now rebranded as colonial masters, which was a more sophisticated Slavery. 50 years from colonial “independence”, Africa still grapples with the effects of colonialism called neo-colonialism in all spheres of life, e.g. economy, education, politics, to mention but a few. Africans are leaving the continent of Africa to do menial labor jobs in Arab countries, Europe, Asia, and America. Many young Africans are losing their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea and end up being sold as slaves in the Arab countries.

Historically, geographically, scripturally and prophetically, Africa’s destiny is closely linked to Israel. Today, both Israel and Africa still suffer from modern day self-exile and slavery respectively. Though Israel now has a homeland in fulfillment to prophecy, many Jews are still in the Diaspora, not thinking nor willing to come back. In the same way, statistics has it that over 1 million Israelis are living abroad in what is termed as the need for a second Aliyah. As African intercessors begin to pray and think of prayer journeys into Europe, Asia, North and South America to pray into the African Aliyah, we remember our debt to the Jewish people and recognize our responsibility to use the same opportunity to pray and in anyway support the Aliyah of the Jews from Europe, Asia, North and South America.

In 2016 PM Netanyahu declared “Israel is coming back to Africa and Africa is coming back to

Israel”. Vision 2020 is therefore the beginning of intentional work towards a deeper reconciliation between Africa and Israel, and together, seek to fulfill God’s call. So, as Africa marks 400 years which corresponds to the number of years Israel should have spent in slavery, Intercessors understand by prophetic revelation that this season marks a major gate for the African Continent.

Objectives for Vision 2020 for Africa and Israel:

Vision 2020 seeks to Open the gates of the restoration of Africa’s prophesied scriptural identity with Israel and position her to fulfill her redemptive call as;

  • A Continent of refuge – Abraham, Israel (Jacob’s family), and Jesus Christ took refuge in Africa (Genesis 12:10-14, 46:1-7, Matthew 2:13-21)
  • A Destiny Helper Continent – Like Simon of Cyrene, who helped Jesus carry His cross to Calvary, so Africa is a burden bearer/co-laborer with the Lord to carry the last leg of God’s redemptive plan for these last days. (Luke 23:26-27)
  • A Steward of the Gospel of the Kingdom – Philip was instructed and carried by the Holy Spirit to take the un-adulterated Gospel of the Kingdom to the Ethiopian Eunuch. Africa must steward the restoration of the pure Gospel of the Kingdom to Israel and to the Nations. (Acts 8:26-39)
  • A steward of resources for God’s redemptive agenda in the last days. To raise her hands towards God in worship, and bring incense and gold to Zion (Psalm 7:15, 68:31). The resources that constructed the first tabernacle were unwittingly given to the Israelites by Egyptians, but this time we’ll give it willingly to rebuild the third temple (Exodus 12:35-36). The Queen of Sheba carried vast amount of wealth from Africa as gifts to King Solomon (1Kings 10:1-13). Verse 10 says nobody ever gave gifts to Solomon like that before and after, and 2Chronicles 9:1-12). Kingdom principle dictates that the gift you give a King speaks of how you value the King and His Kingdom. Solomon being a picture of Christ, attest to the fact that Africa will avail resources that will establish the Kingdom and glory of Christ in these last days.
  • A Continent that nurtures prophetic vision for the redemption of mankind. Pharaoh (a picture of Africa) had a prophetic dream that only Joseph (a picture of Christ) could interpret which eventually saved Egypt and Israel (Genesis 41:8-46).
  • A Continent where the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel patented Spiritual warfare and demonstrated it at unprecedented levels (Exodus 5-12). Africa shall teach other nations the warfare that establishes the Kingdom of God in the land, among peoples and institutions.

These and much more shall be the focus for the Vision 2020 Conference and the Sing Together at the source of the Nile from 17th to 20th January 2020. All are welcome for this prophetic convocation to bear the burden and seek the Lord for Africa’s restoration to her prophetic destiny.


Israel, Latest Posts

One Comment

  1. It is Great,the gospel in Africa was spread by a white man,but really we have welcomed it,we love our Lord the king of Kings,He is known by the whole world.

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