Prayer Guide for the National Solemn Prayer Campaign, 19th August – 7th October 2014

After covenanting our nation to God in the Jubilee year 2012 at Namboole Stadium, Kampala, there is a general consensus in the Body of Christ that we need to keep renewing the covenant every year, and that we spend the period prior to Independence in prayer and fasting. This is to make sure the nation is kept on course as a covenanted nation. We therefore invite you to participate in the forthcoming National Solemn Prayer Campaign, August 19 up to October 7, 2014.

The objectives of the campaign are:

  1. To humble ourselves before God in prayer and repentance;
  2. To renew God’s covenant with our nation;
  3. To pray for the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom in all spheres of Ugandan society by 2062;
  4. To pray for the Body of Christ to exercise her calling in the different spheres of society;
  5. To pray for the Body of Christ to help the nation to realize her destiny;
  6. To pray for the unity of the Body of Christ;
  7. To awaken the Church in the nation to become holistic;
  8. To pray for the elections and the future of leadership in Uganda (1Timothy 2:1-4).

Guidelines for Prayer and Fasting:
The recommended mode of fasting will be that of taking one meal per day, however, you are free to decide on your mode of fasting, including a partial fast. When you fast, you are encouraged to take opportunity of the time to also pray through personal and family matters especially with regard to God’s plans for your future.

Participants can take the above daily prayer focus, or choose to focus on a different sector for each of the seven weeks. Participants who feel burdened over a particular sector could concentrate on that sector for the whole duration of seven weeks.

The activities proposed for the 2014 campaign will include:

1. A 50-day National Solemn Fast (19th August up to 7th October).
The whole nation is expected to be mobilized for the fast.

2. A 2-day National Solemn Conference (6th – 7th October).
This will be a conference to reflect on the biblical view of the principle of nation building. It is expected to draw stakeholders nationwide and from all spheres of Ugandan society. The conference will be overseen by elders of the Church in Uganda.

3. A National Solemn Prayer Night (8th October).
The National Solemn Prayer Campaign is coordinated by the Uganda Jubilee Network. We encourage all Christians to participate in this prayer campaign for the sake of our nation.


Monday: Education & Human Resource Development
Tuesday: Media & Communication
Wednesday: Leadership, Governance & Politics
Thursday: The Economy, Business & Enterprise
Friday: Celebration, Entertainment, Sports & Arts
Saturday: Family, Tribes, Culture & Social Services
Sunday: Body of Christ, Belief Systems, World View

Download the whole Prayer Guide 2014 (PDF)

Dr. James Magara
National Coordinator, Intercessors for Uganda


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