About Us

Who We Are

Intercessors for Uganda is non-denominational, non-partisan prayer network of members of the body of Christ in the nation. We are not a church, but a prayer movement, registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee, practicing as an NGO.

Our Visio​​n

To see the Kingdom of God established in the nation: its land, peoples and institutions

Foundational Scriptures

Psalm 2:8 –Explains Intercession
Psalm 110:3 –Explains volunteerism in warfare to effect the Kingdom of God.

Our Mission

What We Do

We pray, mobilize prayer and intercession for the nation and its leaders, train and develop believers for effective and strategic intercession and spiritual warfare, equip believers to express the Kingdom of God in the market place, raise servant leaders for public life and to serve as a prophetic voice to the nation.

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